News from iEDI

Now you can also use to
generate SSCC labels




Now iEDI also makes it easy for you to ship your goods with an SSCC label on. We have created a module for, which allows you to generate barcode labels for your shipments.

Are you a company that sends many items from A to B? Then you probably also know the challenge it can be to find a proper financial system that can also handle SSCC codes for labels.

By using for shipping advice, you can safely and securely ship your goods, keep an eye on where they are in the shipping process and at the same time facilitate your customers' goods receipt.

With the new module you can generate the codes for the shipment and print the codes for your label or laser printer directly from the platform.

This also means that when you receive an order on your platform, you can convert it into a delivery note that you can send as EDI and with a single click create the barcode for your shipment.

The delivery note contains, among other things, which packages your customer receives and which barcodes the packages have. This way, it is easy for both you and your customer to keep track of the shipments.

You can add this barcode label module to your account today.

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Bybjergvej 14
DK-3060 Espergaerde, Denmark
Phone (+45) 4917-5243

iEDI is developed by DUC, which with its 18 years in the industry is a significant provider of EDI in Denmark, Europe & elsewhere in the world. The iEDI network has nodes in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, Singapore, England, Brazil, Australia, USA and Canada iEDI covers the whole world from these nodes.

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